- Early Childhood Center
- Eligibility
Children need to be 3 years of age by September 1 of the school year they wish to enroll.
Residents of District 93 will have first priority in student placement to attend Community Consolidated School District 93's Preschool. Children who reside outside District 93 boundaries will be considered based upon space availability within the program. The District 93 boundaries encompass parts of Bloomingdale, Hanover Park, and Carol Stream. Please call the ECC office at 630-307-3750 if you are unsure if your home is within District 93 boundaries. Families will be required to show proof of residency upon acceptance to the Preschool Program. Families moving into the district must provide a copy of their home contract or rental agreement with their registration form to indicate the date the ownership of the property will take place.
The ECC preschool is a unique, multi-aged program that attends to the needs and individual differences among children ages three and four. Children experience an active learning environment that provides an opportunity to play and learn together in an accepting and engaging environment. Classroom areas are arranged in learning centers which include dramatic play, blocks, math, literacy, science, technology, and math. A balance between teacher-directed and child-initiated experiences allow for both large group and small group play. Research indicates that children who play learn to regulate their own emotions and ideas, take more initiative, engage in higher-level thinking, and develop an understanding of symbolic relationships that are a precursor to reading and mathematical thinking.
Each classroom has a maximum of 15 students staffed by one certified teacher (bachelor's and/or master's degree in regular and/or special education) and one classroom assistant. Classrooms are comprised of preschoolers who attend 3 or 4 days, and an effort is made to balance the number of boys and girls. Consistent with District 93’s philosophy, the Community Preschool serves the needs of all children utilizing a developmentally-appropriate approach to instruction. It is not mandatory for preschoolers to be independent in their toileting skills, but it is encouraged.
Children who are residents of District 93 at the beginning of any school term and who become non-residents during the term shall be permitted to complete the remainder of the school term, yet will be required to pay out-of-district tuition rates. Parents should apprise the classroom teacher of the relocation. If a new preschool is chosen, a transition plan can be developed.
The Preschool schedule follows the District 93 school year calendar on the following days:
Three Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayFour Days: Monday through Thursday
Five Days: Monday through Friday
Morning Session: Monday 8:15-10:15 a.m.; Tuesday-Friday 8:15-11 a.m.
Afternoon Session: Monday 12:35-2:35 p.m.; Tuesday-Friday 12:35-3:20 p.m.
Preschool Registration occurs each January for families interested in registering for the following school year. Open registration is advertised in local newspapers and through the elementary PTA/PTO newsletters. Interested families may come to the Early Childhood Center or any District 93 elementary school to pick up a registration packet. Should you wish a registration packet mailed to you, please call the Early Childhood Center at 630-307-3750 You may also download an application at www.ccsd93.com and access the Early Childhood Center link.
Families will be required to show three forms of documentation prior to entering the Preschool Program:
1) child’s original birth certificate; 2) proof of residency; and, 3) photo I.D. Families moving into the district must provide a copy of their home contract or rental agreement with their registration form to indicate the date the ownership of the property will take place.
Parents may drop off registration applications in the office at Early Childhood Center. Mail-in registration should be addressed to the Early Childhood Center ,
280 N. Old Gary Avenue, Bloomingdale, Il 60108. Tuition for either a 3-day or 4-day program must accompany the registration application. Priority registration is given to students who are currently enrolled in the program and their siblings, children currently on the waiting list, and District 93 residents. Current fees are available online or by calling the Early Childhood Center.
Parents will be notified with a confirmation letter or information regarding the wait list process. Deposits will be returned to families placed on the waiting list, but not families who are accepted into the Community Preschool and then withdraw for any reason after the start of the school year.
A monthly payment plan is available for families. You will receive a payment envelope on the first school day of each month for your payment convenience. There is no reduction of tuition due to illnesses, absences, or day’s school is closed. Tuition will not be refunded if your child withdraws from the program after the start of the school year. Additionally, financial support is available for families who qualify. Please contact the Early Childhood Center at 630-307-3750 for additional information.
Illinois School Code requires health examinations for students entering preschool, kindergarten, 6th, and 9th grades, and all students new to the district regardless of grade level. The health examination includes proof of complete immunization dates (month, day, and year) as required by the School Code.
District 93 provides a state-funded grant program called “Preschool for All.” This program focuses on providing a high-quality educational program for children who are determined to be at-risk of academic failure or whose family is of low to moderate income and demonstrates financial need. These students attend Monday through Friday (5-day program) and participate in the regular education preschool program. Each classroom is staffed by one certified teacher and two classroom assistants.
Program eligibility is determined by the District 93 Preschool Screening process. Children who are being considered for placement and turn three after the
September 1st deadline are eligible for program placement upon their third birthday. Please refer to this handbook for information regarding Preschool Screening.
Residents of District 93 will have priority in student placement in the Preschool For All Program if program qualifications are met. Children who reside outside District 93 boundaries would not be eligible for the program. The District 93 boundaries encompass parts of Bloomingdale, Hanover Park, and Carol Stream. Please call the Early Childhood Center at 630-307-3839 if you are unsure if your home is within District 93 boundaries. Families will be required to show proof of residency upon acceptance to the Preschool For All Program. Families moving into the district must provide a copy of their home contract or rental agreement with their registration form to indicate the date the ownership of the property will take place.
The Preschool For All program schedule follows the District 93 school year calendar on the following days:
Five Days: Monday through Friday
Morning Session: Monday 8:15-10:15 a.m.; Tuesday-Friday 8:15-11 a.m.
Afternoon Session: Monday 12:35-2:35 p.m.; Tuesday-Friday 12:35-3:20 p.m.
Early Childhood Special Education
The state and federal regulations governing special education indicates that when there is reason to believe that a child may have a disability requiring special education and related services, the child shall be referred for a full and individual evaluation to determine if special education services are warranted. School districts, by law, are mandated to provide a free and appropriate public education for all children with disabilities who are ages 3 through 21. Parents of preschool children who need or are thought to need, special education support and related service support have the same rights as other school-age children. Special education indicates that when there is reason to believe that a child may have a disability requiring special education and related services, the child shall be referred for special education services. If warranted, special education and related services must begin upon the child's third birthday for children served in early intervention programs or for those children referred for an evaluation 60 school days before their third birthday and found eligible. The law provides that each school district shall develop and make know to all concerns persons the procedures by which an evaluation may be requested.
Community Consolidated School District 93 has a Preschool Special Service Team (SST) comprised of a coordinator, school psychologist, school social worker, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, and school nurse. The team is responsible for processing referrals, documenting what action should be taken and determining what action should be taken, as well as initiating the necessary procedures. The Preschool SST determines whether the referred child requires a Full and Individual Evaluation.
District 93's Continuum Of Service
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)is designed for students with identified developmental delays in the areas of speech-language, motor, social-emotional, adaptive, and/or cognitive functioning.
Speech and Language (S&L)services are provided for students with an identified impairment in one or more of the following areas: articulation, voice, fluency, and/or language delay/disorder (which adversely affect their educational performance).
Reglar Education program with supports is designed for those students who could participate in regular education classroom with the appropriate supports and services needed to be successful in an environment with same-aged peers.
Low Incidence Program (Hearing, Visual, Orthopedic Impairment) programs for students with a hearing, visual, or orthopedic impairment are available in cooperation with CASE (Cooperative Association for Special Education) Itinerant Services and SASED/DuPage West Cook Diagnostics.
Referrals may be made by school personnel, the parent(s) of a child, an employee of a community service agency (Child and Family Connections),another professional having knowledge of a child's problems, a child, or an employee of the State Board of Education. If a child received early intervention support, certain transition steps need to be followed by state law in order to determine if supportive services remain warranted. The transition process begins when the child is 2½ years of age so families can have the opportunity to share current Individual Family Service Plans (IFSP) with local interagencies, as well as to receive information regarding future educational options and services.
For families interested in a preschool program, please contact CCSD93's Early Childhood Center.