Gifted Education

  • Magnet/Advanced

    Elementary School

    Beginning in grade 4, students whose learning needs are well beyond the scope of differentiation in the regular classroom (approximately 3% of students) are identified for the multi-age gifted magnet classroom. A pool of students is initially formed after a review of Naglieri General Ability Test results.  Additional data such as classroom performance, iReady and IAR are reviewed as well.  Students whose data reveals giftedness and show high performance/achievement are invited to join the Magnet 4/5 classroom.

    Instruction in the four core subjects (English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social science) is provided in a homogeneous setting by a teacher with specialized training and experience in gifted education. Eligible students from any of the six District 93 elementary buildings who wish to participate in the program join the 4/5 Magnet classroom, which is currently located at Roy DeShane School.

    This revised process ensures a fair and comprehensive evaluation of students' abilities, aligning with the district's commitment to recognizing and nurturing exceptional potential.

    Middle School

    Beginning in grade 6, students from the Magnet classroom at Roy DeShane School will be placed in Advanced level instruction in all the core subjects at Jay Stream Middle School.  Referral of additional students for possible placement in middle school Advanced classes will be based on test score data, teacher referral, and other qualitiative data.  This will occur in the fall of grade 6.


    Following are the three types of acceleration are offered for highly advanced students in District 93.

    Early Entrance to Kindergarten

    Advanced children who will reach age 5 by December 1 (rather than by the typical age requirement date, September 1) may be referred for consideration for early entrance to kindergarten by their parent. This process begins by parents contacting their residential elementary building principal by February 1 to set up a meeting to discuss the Early Entrance to Kindergarten Quality Process. Following the completion of a parent questionnaire regarding student strengths and weaknesses, students may qualify for further testing to determine whether they are eligible for early entrance or not.

    Subject Acceleration 

    English/language arts and/or mathematics subject acceleration is another option. Students who are highly advanced in either of these subjects may be referred for consideration by their teacher, parents, or the student him/herself. The first part of the process will involve a review of the impact of readiness based differentiation of the regular curriculum. In cases in which it is determined that differentiation is not sufficient to meet the child's learning needs, the acceleration process can move forward.

    Whole Grade Acceleration 

    This is an option for students who are highly advanced in all core curriculum subject areas. Again, the referral for consideration may be initiated by the teacher, parents, or child. This process will also begin with a review of the efficacy of readiness-based differentiation of the regular curriculum. In cases of referrals for either subject or whole grade acceleration, when it is determined that differentiation may not be sufficient to meet the child's learning needs, a thorough review of the child will be conducted. Parents will be invited to meet with a member of the building Students Services Team to review the Quality Process for Student Referral for Acceleration and to provide their consent for testing.