English Learners Home

  • In accordance with the requirements of the state of Illinois, District 93 provides programs designed to meet the needs of students whose native language is other than English. The purpose of our programs is to accelerate English language literacy while valuing the social and cultural knowledge that a child brings to school. 

    District 93 is committed to providing high quality English Learners (EL) program that validates a student's native language and culture to ensure linguistic, academic, and social-cultural success in a diverse society.

    We believe that in order to produce world-class learners, it is essential to provide a program of instruction based upon the most effective practices that are grounded in research. CCSD93 The staff participate in appropriate staff development in order that they can receive the best possible instruction. The staff promote understanding of and respect for cultural and linguistic diversity by students, staff, and community.

    The Illinois School Code requires that one of two types of programs be provided for all K-12 Limited English Proficient (LEP) students to help them become proficient in English so that they can transition into the mainstream education curriculum. 

    Goals of the EL Program include:

    • EL students will receive instruction in receptive and expressive English language development beginning with their initial enrollment in the district and as determined by language proficiency assessments.

    • Content area instruction will be provided in the student's native language for the understanding of concepts to the extent possible.

    • Instruction for all EL students will parallel the appropriate grade level curriculum and will align to the Illinois Learning Standards.



    Transitional bilingual education (TBE)–also known as early-exit bilingual education (Ramirez, 1992)–is the most common form of bilingual education for English language learners in the United States. TBE provides academic instruction in English language learners' primary language as they learn English. More specifically, the typical TBE program initially provides instruction in literacy and academic content areas through the medium of the student's first language, along with instruction in English oral language development; non-academic subjects such as art, music, and physical education may also be taught in English (Medina, 1995). Content instruction through English is often provided in individualized and specially designed programs, sometimes referred to as sheltered instruction. As students acquire proficiency in oral English, the language in which academic subjects are taught gradually shifts from the students' first language to English. The transition typically starts off with math computations, followed by reading and writing, then science, and finally social studies. Once they acquire sufficient English proficiency, TBE students transition to mainstream classes where all academic instruction is in English.

    The term transitional speaks to the process of students moving gradually from instruction primarily in their first language to instruction entirely in English. Most TBE programs start in kindergarten or Grade 1. They seek to achieve basic oral English proficiency within 2 years and to mainstream students to an all-English program within 3 years. Typically, students who start the program in kindergarten are placed in an all-English program by the beginning of Grade 3, and those who start in Grade 1 are placed in an all-English program by the beginning of Grade 4. These programs are sometimes referred to as early exit bilingual education, because students exit relatively early in comparison to developmental and two-way immersion programs, which maintain instruction through the first language throughout the elementary grades.



    Certified ESL teachers have a caseload of ELLs for various grade levels, usually from various language groups.  The teacher is expected to teach English and to work on concepts and skills that the children are studying in the mainstream classroom. 

    Please contact me by email or phone if you have questions about our program,

    Director of English Language Services
    Mireya Sanchez