Welcome to CCSD93!

  • Dear Community Member:

    It is my honor and privilege to serve as the Superintendent of Schools for Community Consolidated School District 93. CCSD93 is located in northwestern DuPage County, Illinois. Our District is home to over 3,300 students and is comprised of one preschool, six elementary schools (grades K-5), and two middle schools (grades 6-8). The majority of our families live in Carol Stream, Bloomingdale, and Hanover Park.

    As a school district, we believe that it is important for our Strategic Plan to guide our actions in order to meet our mission of maximizing the academic, social and emotional potential of each student. The Strategic Plan’s Strategic Goals focus our actions for continuous improvement. They are:

    1. Student Success
    2. Engaged Employees
    3. Operational Execellence

    CCSD93’s Strategic Plan develops the framework for the utilization of world-class educational practices, in partnership with the parents, staff and community. We hope that you will refer to our Strategic Plan at www.ccsd93.com/StrategicPlan for a closer look at what District 93 is all about. In it you will find the District’s vision, goals, strategies, and core values detailed. It also provides performance targets by which success can be measured over the coming years.

    In keeping with our Strategic Plan, the district has implemented character development initiatives which are intended to reach beyond the classroom. The community is invited and encouraged to learn more about our primary character development initiative, PBIS, at www.ccsd93.com/PBIS.   

    We strive to work together with the communities we serve and welcome your involvement.

    Looking ahead, I have complete confidence that with responsive and progressive leadership and support from staff and families, we will maintain sound practices, inspire each other, build support, and most important, continue to cultivate positive student learning experiences that will prepare students to be college and career ready.

    If you have questions or comments, we would like to hear from you. Please feel free to email us at reply@ccsd93.com, fill out our online form at www.ccsd93.com/Contact, call us at 630-893-9393, or stop in or write us at 230 Covington Drive, Bloomingdale, IL 60108.

    Thank you for your support.


    Dr. David H. Hill
    Superintendent of Schools