CCSD93’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan

  • StrategicPlanLogo23_28

    CCSD93's Strategic Plan represents the will of the community. All parents, staff members, community members and middle school students were invited in the fall and winter of 2022 to provide feedback on their desired direction for the district through online or telephonic surveys. In total, more than 2,400 stakeholders took the opportunity to share meaningful input on the current state of the district and priorities for the future. CCSD93’s Senior Leadership Team, School Board President Scott Stone and then-Vice President Clay Elmore utilized these responses with guidance from school strategic planning experts Hazard, Young, Attea, Associates (HYA) to develop the 2023-28 Strategic Plan in alignment with CCSD93’s Portrait of a Graduate. It was previewed to the District Leadership Team, which staff, parents and administrators from each school are asked to participate in, in December and then approved by the Board of Education on January 12, 2023. 

    It provides every member of CCSD93, including the Board of Education, the direction needed over an extended period of time to organize expertise, systems and resources to achieve the district’s mission and realize its vision for students. It defines what the district believes (core values), what is important for the district to achieve (strategic priorities) and the way to achieve them (objectives). It also includes the basic measures (key performance indicators) used to assess progress over time. The plan will help ensure efficient and effective use of the valuable resources the community provides our district. 

    This Strategic Plan is more streamlined than previous plans. This was done intentionally to create an even greater focus on its elements, all of which are geared toward creating the very best outcomes for our students. It was also purposefully designed to be understandable by all within the community, and we have avoided using jargon that only educators would be familiar with when possible. Please review it here!

    Mission Statement

    A mission statement describes the essential purpose of an organization. We reviewed and analyzed the current mission statement and found that it still encompasses just what the community wants for our students. 

    CCSD93's mission remains: Maximize the academic, social & emotional potential of each student.


    A tagline is a brief, memorable, repeatable phrase that succinctly and clearly communicates what an organization does that makes it unique. Our most current strategic plan does not have a tagline, but I’m proud to share 

    CCSD93's new tagline is: Maximize the potential.

    Vision Statement

    A vision statement describes what an organization wishes to accomplish. As you know, prior to developing the 2023-28 Strategic Plan, CCSD93’s strategic planning partners at HYA hosted interviews, focus groups and community forums with more than 100 community members, parents, students, staff and administrators. Throughout this process, participants provided in-depth insights into the values, knowledge, skills and work habits that CCSD93 8th graders must have by graduation, and then CCSD93 senior leaders worked to organize this feedback into a Portrait of a CCSD93 Graduate.

    The following Portrait of a CCSD93 Graduate image serves as CCSD93’s vision statement. It articulates the qualities CCSD93’s community wishes for it to instill in students by 8th grade in the voice of the student.


    Core Values

    Core values are traits or qualities that represent an organization's deeply held beliefs and fundamental driving forces. They are what’s most important to an organization.

    CCSD93's core values are:

    • Students are at the heart of all we do.
    • All students can learn, grow and meet high expectations.
    • Educators working collaboratively, using data, make an impact.
    • Shared leadership and responsibility are essential. 
    • Strong, respectful and supportive relationships lead to success.

    Strategic Priorities & Objectives

    Strategic priorities are broad statements about what an organization wishes to achieve, and objectives describe ways to achieve them. 

    CCSD93's three strategic priorities are bolded below, with corresponding strategic priority descriptive statements under each and objectives bulleted below.

    Student Success


    To fulfill our Portrait of a CCSD93 Graduate, we inspire each student to grow academically, socially and emotionally through evidence-based practices.

    • Maximize the academic growth of each student to ensure mastery of essential skills and content
    • Support student social and emotional well-being to enhance learning
    • Provide all students a variety of pathways to identify and explore their passion and purpose
    • Empower students to take ownership of their learning
    • Promote inclusiveness and appreciation of diverse perspectives

    Engaged Employees

    Create and support a workforce that is inspired and engaged to fulfill the Portrait of a CCSD93 Graduate, demonstrate the district’s values, and meet the objectives of the Strategic Plan.

    • Attract, develop, retain and recognize high-quality staff who embody CCSD93 values and represent the diversity of the community while serving the unique needs of all students 
    • Engage staff and student voices to ensure appropriate collaboration in decision-making and collective responsibility of the culture and climate of our schools and classrooms
    • Ensure staff uphold high expectations for all students 
    • Utilize systems of collaboration surrounding data analysis to ensure sound decision making resulting in evidence-based practices
    • Assist all staff to continuously grow and improve in their professional practices

    Operational Excellence


    Responsibly manage resources to support the vision for students set forth by the Portrait of a CCSD93 Graduate in alignment with strategic priorities. 

    • Maintain safe schools for all students, staff and visitors
    • Leverage resources effectively to ensure financial sustainability
    • Invest in infrastructure that supports learning 
    • Uphold sustainable and responsible environmental practices
    • Produce ongoing strategic communications

    Key Performance Indicators 

    Key performance indicators measure the progress toward achieving the strategic priorities and objectives. CCSD93's senior leaders worked with ECRA, its student achievement data analysts, to identify the key performance indicators linked here.

    While each school and the district will monitor additional data points aligned to school improvement plans, departmental plans and more, these key performance indicators are tracked publicly on the Indicators tab of this district level 2023-2028 Strategic Plan Dashboard and updated as new data becomes available for the community to see. Data disaggregated by building, grade level, and/or student groups will be reviewed by CCSD93’s educators, as appropriate. 

    When you visit the Indicators tab of the Strategic Dashboard, you will find CCSD93 characteristic data followed by KPIs for each strategic priority. Data will appear in the KPIs for which baseline data is already available, while those for which we await baseline data at the onset of this new Strategic Plan are labeled with Data TBD. You are encouraged to select "View Data" within each characteristic or KPI for a detailed breakdown of year by year data and benchmark goals.