Our Vision
“Building a foundation of success for all children through community and family partnerships.”
Birth to 5 Community Coalition Strategic Goals
Goal 1: Optimize Service Delivery to Families
Increase the frequency and quality of programming available to families of children from birth to 5 years of age by maintaining current partnerships and building new partnerships with community agencies, organizations and businesses supporting the professional growth of local early care and education providers
Continue to develop local resources (such as parenting education opportunities) to support families of children from birth to 5 years of age
Goal 2: Engage the Local Community
Increase communication to and recognition within the CCSD93 community
Continue to engage local agencies, organizations, businesses and families in community events to support families of children from birth to 5 years of age
Extend and strengthen reach to underserved pockets of the communities
Goal 3: Engagement within the Greater Early Childhood Community
Engage with Greater Early Childhood Community to increase Kindergarten readiness and advocate on behalf of the children and families within our community.
Our Strategic Plan
The Birth to 5 Community Coalition will work to implement solutions through:
Goal 1: Optimize Service Delivery to all Families
●Increase parent engagement and recruitment efforts: Investigation and design of parent engagement and recruitment events that provide families of young children an awareness of the supportive network of strong early childhood systems, resources, and supports that exist for children birth to 5 and their families.
●Share parent resources and training materials: Offering opportunities and resources to families on early learning as well as children’s developmental milestones and promoting parents’ support of their children’s growth and learning.
Goal 2: Building Community Connections Amongst Organization
●Engage communication with physicians about Early Intervention: Establish a partnership with local physicians to increase knowledge of and access to early education and intervention. Partnering with local physicians to build background knowledge of services available, developmental expectations and the research supporting early intervention is a critical step to identifying and serving high need students prior to kindergarten entry.
●Provide meaningful professional development: Offer opportunities and resources on developmental screenings to ensure children with developmental delays are identified early for needed services.
Goal 3: Policy and Process Alignment
● Conduct a needs assessment with families:Create a needs assessment process to to evaluate, improve, and add services to meet the needs of District 93 families.
●Design an effective communication and social media campaign:
○Creating a flowcharted process depicting steps for parents to access partner organizations. These flowcharts will be a useful tool for each partner organization as they share available services with parents.
○Promoting the coordination of existing services, and creating improved communication between service delivery agencies, early childhood programs, and the school system.