- Community Consolidated School District 93
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Programs & Services
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Reading Intervention
Classroom teachers closely monitor student performance in all areas. Kindergarten through eighth-grade students who are underachieving in the area of reading are provided additional support from core curriculum through our reading intervention programs. All elementary schools are staffed with at least one reading specialist who implements and monitors reading services aligned and supportive of classroom instruction. The goal of the program is to increase student growth in order for all student to meet and exceed Illinois Learning Standards. Services at the elementary level typically occur during the established English Language Arts small group time. Services at the middle school level are provided during a replacement English Language Arts class. Students typically participate in the READ 180 program. Progress reports for all reading intervention students are shared with parents each trimester.
Math Intervention
Classroom teachers closely monitor student performance in all areas. First through eighth-grade students who are underachieving in the area of math are provided additional support aligned to the core curriculum. At the elementary level, paraprofessionals work within classrooms under the direction of the classroom teacher during small group time. The support of the paraprofessional allows the teacher to personalize instruction to better meet the needs of all students. At the middle school level, students are enrolled in a math intervention class in addition to their core math class. This class taught by a certified teacher provides support to those students identified with deficits in the area of mathematics.
Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
District 93 accommodates individuals with disabilities with the opportunity to participate in all school-sponsored services, programs, and activities on an equal basis as those without disabilities. Individuals with disabilities should notify the building principal or Superintendent if they have a disability that requires special assistance or services, and what services are required. The notification should take place as far as possible before the school-sponsored function, program or meeting. (BP 890)
Special Education
CCSD93 offers special education services for those students who have been determined eligible. Approximately 95% of the special education students in District 93 are educated in their home district. The remaining special education students are serviced through the Cooperative Association for Special Education (CASE), SASED, DuPage/West Cook, or private facilities.
Eligibility and placement decisions are determined by the multidisciplinary team working with that student. Parents are members of this team for their individual child. Teams are required to make program service and placement decisions based on the individual educational needs for the child.
Services are available for those students for whom it is determined appropriate. Throughout District 93 a full continuum of services are offered for students with special education needs. Some of these services include but are not limited to:
Early Childhood Special Education
See the “Early Childhood Special Education” description in the Community Preschool Program section of this handbook for details.
Speech and Language (S&L)
Speech and language services are provided for students with an identified impairment in one or more of the following areas: articulation, voice, fluency, and/or language delay/disorder, which adversely affects their educational performance. Services are delivered in and out of the general education classrooms and are located at all District 93 schools. (Grades: Preschool-8)
Resource/Special Education Instruction
Resource services are designed for students requiring special education instruction in a core content area. This type of service can include consultation by the resource teacher to the regular classroom teacher and/or individual or small group direct instruction in or out of the general education classroom. Resource services are provided at all District 93 schools. (Grades: K-8)
Related Services
Related services are supportive services which are required to assist a child with disabilities to benefit from special education services. Such services may include speech therapy, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, social work services, and transportation. These are the related services.
- Adapted Physical Education (APE): a special designed and/or modified program that is designed to meet the needs of an individual student who, due to his/her identified disabling condition, is unable to benefit from regular a physical education program.
- Counseling Services: services provided by qualified personnel such as social workers, psychologists, guidance counselors, or other qualified personnel.
- Occupational Therapy (OT): treatment focuses on helping students with a physical, sensory, or cognitive disability be as independent as possible in all areas of their lives. OT Can help kids with various needs improve cognitive, physical, sensory, and motor skills and enhance their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment.
- Physical Therapy (PT): is recommended for students who have been injured or who have movement problems from an illness, disease, or disability.
- Special Transportation: transportation services which are required because of a child’s exceptional characteristics. (Grades: Preschool-8)
Co-Taught Special Education Services
A co-taught special education classroom is general education classroom in which an academic course is taught by a general education teacher and a special education teacher together. Students receiving special education services are provided instruction through inclusive practices to the greatest extent possible. In addition to inclusive practices, students may also receive direct intensive instruction individually or in small groups from the special education teacher.
Self-Contained Special Education Class
A special education self-contained classroom is designed to meet the individualized educational needs of students whose disability significantly impacts the ability to participate and progress in the general education classroom. Students receive services in these classrooms when their education requires an alternative instructional method and/ or curriculum in one or more academic areas. Curriculum in these classrooms may also include functional life skills. Classrooms are located at the Early Childhood Center for preschool students, Heritage Lakes and Elsie Johnson schools for grades K-5, and Stratford Middle School for grades 6-8. (Grades: Preschool-8)
Low Incidence Program (Hearing, Visual, Orthopedic Impairment)
Services for students with a hearing, visual or orthopedic impairment are available in cooperation with the CASE Itinerant Services and SASED/DuPage/West Cook Diagnostics. Students may be serviced by an itinerant teacher who comes to the child’s home school or in a self-contained structure. (Grades: Preschool-8)
Medicaid Billing
If a child receives special education services and is also Medicaid eligible, school districts can seek partial reimbursement from Medicaid for IEP services or certain IEP services documented in a child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Medicaid reimbursement is a source of federal funds approved by Congress to help school districts maintain and improve diagnostic and therapeutic services to students.
The reimbursement process requires the school district to provide Medicaid with the child’s name, birth date, and Medicaid number. Federal law requires the parent’s written consent to release this data to Medicaid. Only data for Medicaid eligible students will be released. Parents can deny the district the right to release the data now or at any time in the future. Regardless of a parent’s decision the district must continue to provide, at no cost to the parent, the services listed in the child’s IEP.
When considering this decision, parents should note that this program has no impact on current or future Medicaid benefits for them or their family. Under federal law, a parent’s decision to participate CANNOT:
- Decrease lifetime coverage or any other public insurance benefit
- Result in the family paying for services that would otherwise be covered by Medicaid
- Increase a parent’s premiums or lead to discontinuation of benefits or insurance
- Result in the loss of eligibility for home and community-based waivers
A parent’s consent allows CCSD93 to recover a portion of costs associated with providing health services to the child Additional information regarding special education programs is available from the Special Education Department at (630) 539-3158 or your child’s school principal.