CCSD93 Global Education

  • Carol Stream Students Engage in Global Education

    As it continues to become easier for us to connect with others across the world, it's essential that CCSD93's students are able to learn about, with, and from individuals from other cultures. These types of opportunities will benefit our students as they enter a workforce that will continuously be required to collaborate more and more on a global scale.

    Carol Stream School 4th Grade Teacher Michelle Kosieniak is a leader within CCSD93 when it comes to Global Education. Her students have connected directly with classrooms in India, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Japan, Kenya, Cambodia, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, and Israel.

    Their experiences align perfectly with CCSD93's vision for its students, which was developed as part of the 2018-23 Strategic Planning Process:

    CCSD93 inspires students to build the future. Our students will have the skills to be entrepreneurs, global collaborators, and creators; be prepared for anything their future has to offer; and be ready to help the world achieve its potential.

    Mrs. Kosieniak will be teaching her peers about how to incorporate Global Education into their classrooms at CCSD93's Summer Technology Academy this summer. We invite you to watch the video below to learn more about her students' terrific experiences as global collaborators.